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Torah - a Way of Life!

Praise Adonai that my husband and I on seperate paths found Torah and grafted into Israel though Yeshua our Messiah. We met oceans apart - he in Texas, USA, me in Durban, South Africa via Facebook, all because of banners friends and I had made for the 12 tribes of Israel, it seems my husband really liked them, and so we started chatting. I was moving to Holland to stay with my Mom and Step-Dad for a while, but we knew we where going to marry. 9 months after meeting, my husband flew to Holland and met my family, we returned to Texas where we where married, and a month later we where pregnant with our baby Girl. Of course she was the inspiration for me to start the facebook page and now this website. In 2013 we where introduced to Rabbi Isaac Levy and his wife Sandi of Beit Or - House of Light Synagogue, we decided to make the move from Austin to Dallas TX, and it is here we have been learning to Fear Adonai our God and to serve Him (Deut 6:13).

Trying to organise weekly for a Torah based learning experience for my toddler, was challenging and time consuming, I then thought of others who may have that same experience. So I decided to start a Facebook page "Proverbs 22:6 children" to help teach our children in the Way to Go. To have a point of reference where we can go to and not have to search everyday for something to do. I got to know certain websites to go to, and as i went along I would find more websites and so the list for each problem continues to grow with ideas and resources to pull from. This was also achieved by some of the members adding links to various web pages and resources too - to whom I am very grateful.

Together we can come together and preform the Mitzvah of Deuteronomy 6

Deu 6:4 "Hear, O Yisra’ĕl:
יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one! Deu 6:5 "And you shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. Deu 6:6 "And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, Deu 6:7 and you shall impress them upon your children, and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up, Deu 6:8 and shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Deu 6:9 "And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


that we may teach out children to...

Deu 6:13 "Fear
יהוה your Elohim and serve Him, and swear by His Name.



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