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Yom Kippur | יום כיפור ‎‎ |

Day of Atonement

“On the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a set-apart gathering for you. And you shall afflict your beings, and shall bring an offering made by fire to יהוה

Vayikra 23:27
 אך בעשׂור לחדשׁ השׁביעי הזה יום הכפרים הוא מקרא־קדשׁ יהיה לכם ועניתם את־נפשׁתיכם והקרבתם אשׁה ליהוה׃ 


  • Torah: Leviticus 16  

  • Prophets: Isaiah 57:14-58:14

  • Jonah 1:1-4:11, Micah 7:18-20

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur commemorates the day when G‑d forgave the Jewish people for the sin of the Golden Calf. Forty days after hearing G‑d say at Mount Sinai, “You shall not have the gods of others in My presence; you shall not make for yourself a graven image,” the Jews committed the cardinal sin of idolatry. Moses spent nearly three months on top of the mountain pleading with G‑d for forgiveness, and on the tenth of Tishrei it was finally granted: “I have pardoned, as you have requested.”

Customs and Traditions:

We “afflict our souls”: we abstain from food and drink, no tv, radio or entertainment of any kind. No driving unless to synagogue to worship, no casual conversation, no games or sports and abstain from spousal intimacy. We are likened to the angels, who have no physical needs. Instead of focusing on the physical this is a day of remorse, prayer, study and confession.


Yom Kippur Greeting:

The greeting for Yom Kippur is “G'mar Hatima Tova” (May you be sealed in theBook of Life)


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